Gluten-free Restaurants
by State

  • Click the state name to see my story highlights for all restaurants in that state.

  • Click the images to be take directly to the Social post for that location.


Gluten-Free Learning

Look for the GF Icon indicating restaurants that are dedicated GF facilities.

Check out the LOCAL LOVE icon identifying establishments you will only find LOCAL to that area. We love supporting local!


Find Me Gluten Free App-
Official Travel Guide

Find Me Gluten Free is THE app to have when you’re unable to eat gluten. You can search through safe places by list or through the map. Each location has peer reviews, photos and info about dedicated fryers, cross-contact & more.
With tons of travel all over the East Coast already we’re excited to add even more to this ever growing list of GF places!

Official Local Guide

With over 25+ years of photography experience I love now taking photos of all of these restaurants to show others and help support.
Now a Level 8 my photos on Maps have over 53 MILLION views and counting!


*Please be mindful all locations are still public establishments that could run the risk of cross contamination if not marked as dedicated facilities.
Exercise caution and always communicate clearly with staff .

We are not medical professionals and only sharing information based on our own experiences. We encourage everyone to be their own advocate for all food and health choices.